
in order of coolness

Notate ML

Swift | iOS

iOS app that helps you create object detection datasets from the comfort of your phone.

  • Create a dataset and type, scan, or speak your labels into it
  • Snap new pictures, or import old ones from your photo library
  • Crop images, draw bounding boxes, tag and label objects of interest
  • Export images and annotations for training with YOLO, Apple Create ML, or Google Auto ML



JavaScript | ThreeJS

Brings Einstein’s famous Gedanken-Experiments to 3-dimensional life in your browser with the most singular ThreeJS framework.



C++ | Ubuntu

A platform built on top of the Azure Kinect Developer Kit, along with sample apps that demonstrate the Kinect depth camera body tracking features.


My Experiments with D3

Angular | JavaScript | D3

d3-in-angular shows how to build reactive charts inside an Angular 8 application using the D3 JavaScript framework.

d3-audio explores data visualization by streaming audio using the Web-Audio-API into psychedlic D3 graphs.

The Golden Goose Stock Portfolio over at Observable HQ explores visualization of real-time data with D3 stream graphs.

Hierarchical Stacked Bar Chart also at Observable HQ shows how to build drill down capability to analyze multi-dimensional data with D3.

Deep Fake Detection Challenge - FastAI Odds and Ends

Python | FastAI

This Jupyter notebook, is a compilation of interesting things I had learnt and implemented as part of the Kaggle Deep Fake Detection Challenge competition.



Java | Spring

A code tutorial on how to refactor a monolith using Spring Cloud Services essentials such as;

  • Netflix Zuul Gateway
  • Netflix Eureka Service Discovery
  • Feign Client
  • Spring Cloud Contracts


Algorithms made easy

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | jQuery

A website to help beginners visually understand the workings of common sorting, searching and graph alogrithms.
